A temporary reference image: resistance cells are scattered close to the surface

A temporary reference image: resistance cells are scattered close to the surface

The MixMob creative resistance force is scattered across a clandestine IRL cell system, above and below The Surface.

Each cell operates as its own, independent unit, and the people in each cell only know the identities of the people in their own cell, so they can’t comprise the integrity of the distributed network.

The MixMob uses their Gen0 masks to connect to other members in a virtual world called The Subdomain.



Escape underground

The crew had already set up the first cell in a secret underground location in preparation for the attack by A-1. As soon as A-1 initiated The Great Delete they grabbed what they could, sent out Gen0 mask instructions and headed underground.

Escaping to the underground

Escaping to the underground


Setting up the Sub-Control


From their underground base, the crew set up a makeshift control room from which to coordinate the communications technologies and links to networks on the surface.

Temporary reference image of the sub-control command room

Temporary reference image of the sub-control command room

Temporary reference image of the sub-control comms links

Temporary reference image of the sub-control comms links

Activating The Subdomain

The Subdomain is MixMob’s metaverse, a virtual culture hub that allows cells to gather together. The Subdomain is powered by a distributed mesh server network generated by available resistance cells.

Due to the early nature of our resistance it is currently limited to a stripped-down Discord experience but, will expand into a fully immersive world as we develop more tech.