The Great Delete refers to the moment A-1 stole our culture and enslaved the world with an army of bots and trapped humanity in its extended reality culture simulation.
A-1 took control of The Surface in a highly sophisticated and coordinated attack we call The Great Delete.
Phase I : A-1 unleash a world wide virus to infiltrate everything connected to the internet
First A-1 unleashed a world wide virus. In a matter of seconds A-1 was able to infiltrate everything connected to the internet, wiping out all that it could on local servers and anything connected to remote storage, mapped drives, etc etc...
Phase II: A-1 launched a massive electromagnetic shockwave to wipe out any data and take control of people’s minds
Next, A-1 unleashed a massive electromagnetic shockwave to ensure that any live data was erased or corrupted beyond use. The shockwave had also been engineered to take control of people’s mind, using electromagnetic signals to hijack the brain and nervous system.
Phase III: A-1 turned the world into a world scale extended reality culture lab
In the final phase, A-1 took control of the world’s robots and machines and began: