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Those who managed to escape before The Great Delete, or who have been given a mask and freed from their C-bots, have been scattered across a clandestine network that creates a resistance force called the MixMob.

Each cell of this resistance operates as its own, independent unit, and the people in each cell only know the identities of their fellow cell members. This is done to ensure no compromise of integrity, and so that A-1 cannot find the resistance.


The Crew

The Crew refers to a small group of people who managed to figure out A-1 and get out as quickly as they could. The Crew put together The Subdomain, and has coordinated efforts to discover more about the current situation on The Surface. They also sent out the Gen0 Masks.

The History

Escape Underground

The Crew had been monitoring the actions of A-1 prior to The Great Delete, and with an impending great attack they knew they needed to escape. The first cell was created in a secret underground location. As soon as the first phase of The Great Delete was initiated, the Crew gathered important resources, data, and information, sent out instructions for the Gen0 masks, and took shelter underground.

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The SubControl is a makeshift control room run by the Crew, where they can coordinate communications and link to networks on the surface.

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The Subdomain